Exams are on, and inspiration's being a bitch (and I want to write a blog. Hah!). This one's related (kind of) to the last post. It is not that bad. Seriously.
The reason they say that wisdom comes with age is absurd! The people who had jumped (yes jumped!) to this conclusion (i.e. wisdom and age being directly proportional) must have been in the company of folks who were not-so-wise-when-young. But, brimming with philosophy a là Socrates, wisdom, worldly advice, anecdotes and funny sense-of-humour in their fragile years. Hence the proverb!
Since observation has been the tool here, it will be even fair to create proverbial wisdom based upon my personal cynical scrutiny of the world! For instance, all the wise dudes and dudettes I know, have this habit of using a lot of swear words, eating their pizza with a lot of seasonings, emptying their stomachs religiously early mornings and also, they speak a lot of sense when they are totally drunk! Thus, I can (confidently) conclude that wisdom comes from fouler words, spicier pizzas, clearer bowels and outright sloshed minds! Since science has no role in verification of epigrams, I stand unchallenged.
Some of the ancient souls of the 21st century have pioneered to blindly spoonfeed us with things which have been used, re-used, clichèd and excreted by the pre-Facebook generations! Why should we make their wrongs ours too? Maybe, wisdom comes with age. Sometimes lunacy also. And blindness too. Joint-pain. Not to mention dementia. And amnesia. And ofcourse, Parkinson's. But I see no proverbial commom-sense being sermonized on that.
You have to be either bravely insane to embrace such nonsense or to be fed on poop to fall in such skewed line of thought.
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